Office of the South Vicariate
7001 Baptist Road
Bethel Park, PA 15102
(412) 456-5645
Archangel Gabriel Parish
Blessed Trinity Parish
Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
Holy Family Parish
Mary, Mother of God Parish
Mary, Queen of Peace Parish
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
Our Lady of Hope Parish
Resurrection Parish
Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish
Saint Catherine Laboure Parish
Saint Isidore the Farmer Parish
Saint James Parish
Saint John XXIII Parish
Saint Joseph the Worker
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish
Saint Matthias Parish
Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
Saint Oscar Romero Parish
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish
Saint Philip Parish
Saint Raphael the Archangel Parish
Saint Teresa of Kolkata Parish
Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish
Saints Joachim and Anne Parish
Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish