The National Directory for Catechesis describes the relationship between Catechesis and Evangelization in the Church as this:
The Church exists to evangelize. Evangelization expresses the Church's identity and completes the mission entrusted to her by her founder, Jesus Christ. Catechesis is a significant moment in the process of evangelization. Through comprehensive, systematic instruction and initiation into the life of the community through the Liturgy, sacraments, and service, catechesis deepens and strengthens the believer as a member of the Body of Christ, the Church.
Christ calls all members of the Church to proclaim Christ to every generation…Catechesis is an important moment in the evangelizing mission of the Church. Catechesis echoes the word of God contained in Revelation, transmitted through Scripture and Tradition, and faithfully preserved in the teaching authority of the Church.
Doctrine Instructors: The Doctrine Instructors are qualified to teach by their graduate education or studies in preparation for ordination as a priest or deacon. The standard for the lay or religious instructor is a minimum of thirty graduate level credits (or equivalent) in Theology.
Methods Instructors: The Methods Instructors must have a Religious Education background attained through college courses, workshops, inservice days or training.
Enrichment Instructors: Clergy Instructors are qualified to teach by their studies in preparation for ordination as well as continuing education in the subject area. Lay or religious master catechists must have a minimum of thirty credits (or equivalent) in Theology of which twelve credits (or equivalent) must be in the area taught. • All instructors are asked to earn a minimum of six credits (or equivalent) every five years. • Exceptions to the above descriptions are considered on a case by case basis. • Credentials or qualifications for being a master catechist are based on education, commitment to the goals and objectives of the Diocese of Pittsburgh and the Secretariat for Leadership Development and validated by the diocese. In addition to one’s credentials, master catechists in this diocese are required to be inserviced as part of their preparation for teaching. • All master catechists are approved by the Secretary for Leadership Development.
1. Master Catechists for Basic Certification Courses consist of a team made up of one priest or deacon and one lay or religious master catechist.
2. Master Catechists for Methods, Enrichment Courses or Workshops teach individually. They may be priests, deacons, lay persons or members of religious orders.
Course Outline & Expectations
a. Teaching for Conversion Much of the content of these courses is for personal, spiritual, and professional development of our participants. While the Methods courses clearly have a different focus, the goal of personal and spiritual development should remain apparent.
b. Cohesive Content Please use the approved course outlines provided and do not deviate from the provided materials without consulting the Office for Lay Ministries prior to making any changes in content.
c. Interactive Class Dynamics In addition to lecturing, facilitating class discussions is an important aspect of all courses. You are encouraged to both share teaching experiences in the context of the course outline when appropriate, as well as encourage participants to share their own teaching experiences.
d. Raising the Bar Since these courses are required for those in Catholic Education, in both parish and school religious education programs, it is important to expect professionalism and preparedness from both the participants, as well as the instructors. Please make this mutual expectation clear in the first class.
e. Understanding Since we are teaching for conversion, it is important to be understanding of the different stages of knowledge and commitment to Catholicism that will be exhibited by students. Without wavering in the teachings of the Church, instructors should understand that time is often a necessary component in accepting elements of the Faith. The teachings of the Church need to be presented in their fullness and beauty. Instructors should strive to show how the Faith is ultimately a harmonious whole, making the proper distinctions between disciplines and dogmas, customs and universal truths, etc.
f. Spirituality The content and purpose of the courses is deeply rooted in our Catholic spirituality and our hopes is that each course will allow the students to take a step forward in spiritual maturity.