St. John Paul the Great presented teachings on human sexuality called the Theology of the Body through a series of 135 Wednesday papal audiences in the 1980s.
These teachings explain what it means to offer your life as a gift, either through marriage to a spouse or by giving yourself to God. Father Mike Schmitz explains how these rich teachings on human sexuality lead to your greatest happiness and fulfillment.
Often times, the word chastity comes with a stigma. Learn more about the goodness of chastity at Chastity Project. Chastity Project exists to promote the virtue of chastity so that individuals can be free to love.
Every person is called to holiness and to chaste integration of their sexuality according to his or her state in life. Learn how to live our the holiness and the chastity that God has called you to through the Eden Initiative.
Courage is a spiritual support group for Catholic men and women who are striving to live chaste lives in accordance with the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality. EnCourage is a spiritual support group for family members of persons with same sex attraction.
Many Catholics today with homosexual tendencies or feelings are confused about their orientation and how they may "fit into" their faith. Family members may also feel at a loss. Often, these Catholics are fearful to step forward and seek help, support, and guidance. They are often surprised, too, to learn that they are not alone.
COURAGE and EnCourage are Catholic organizations with chapters all over the United States and Canada. Courage provides the opportunity for homosexual Catholics to meet with each other, share their feelings, pray together, and make progress in their faith in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
For more information, call 1-866-935-4848 or visit the website here.
The Person and Identity Project provides formation, resources, and pastoral guidance on issues of faith, gender and sexual identity.
Click here to learn more.